

Statement on the Russia's aggression against Ukraine

The events in Ukraine in the past few days have left us shocked. The attack on independent Ukraine is an attack on democracy. And it is happening in the middle of Europe. This war is threatening peace in the whole of Europe and ruins much of what has… Read more

Winter break in the office

Vom 20. Dezember 2021 bis 7. Januar 2022 legt das Team der Geschäftsstelle eine Winterpause ein. Wir wünschen allen unseren Partnern, Förderern, Honorarkräften, Mitgliedern und Teilnehmer*innen schöne Weihnachten, Festtage oder einfach freie Tage und… Read more

Podcasts from the project "In Between?

At the end of September, the participants of the project "In Between? - Neighbours Meet In the Borderlands" came together in Berlin to evaluate their experiences and present them to the public. Read more

Remote education provision in the time of pandemic

Due to the current pandemic, we cannot organise youth exchange programmes or other on-site events in Krzyżowa. This is why we started to conduct educational projects in the virtual space. While we are aware that remote education might be a subject to… Read more
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