Support us
The Kreisau-Initiative gives space for education and encounter in which particularly young people can gain the skills they need to shape a European society that is characterised by democracy, solidarity, and sustainability. You can help us to fulfil this mission by:
- Donating
We can use each donation reasonably.
- Becoming a member
We offer regular and supportive membership. The membership fee is currently a minimum of EUR 50 annually; students and teenagers pay a minimum of EUR 12. Exciting opportunity for committed children: They are allowed to become members by paying symbolical EUR 2.
- Spreading the word
We would appreciate it if you talked to other people about our work or spread our offers of exchange and training opportunities. To stay up-to-date, sign up for the newsletter and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIN and subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you have got contact with schools or other institutions, you can encourage them to participate in international exchange projects and connect them with us (please contact the managing director).
Thank you to everybody who supports the Kreisau-Initiative – as a member, donor, and by their commitment. Without your trust and support, it would not have been possible to realise activities in and for Krzyżowa!

Denise Stell
Kreisau-Initiative e. V.
c/o Allianz SE
Merlitzstraße 9
12489 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 53 89 31 63 64