
Donate and help us to give space for education and encounter in which young people can gain the skills they need to shape a European society that is characterised by democracy, solidarity, and sustainability.

The Kreisau-Initiative lives off its time-limited and project-bounded funds. After each project, a small amount of the money remains, so that we can cover the wages of the staff and other administrative costs. Due to the pandemic projects got cancelled and we miss this money. That is why we need your support now so that we can keep our strength as a recognised European educational institution!

Support us with a donation: We can use each donation reasonably.

  • By a wire transfer: transfer the chosen amount to our account.

Kreisau-Initiative e. V.
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE 56 4306 0967 1163 9512 13

In Germany, donations to the Kreisau-Initiative are tax-deductible. You may check if the same applies to your country. 
If you live in Germany and have spent up to 300 euros, this document together with your bank account statement will be sufficient for the German tax office (so-called vereinfachter Spendennachweis).

If you have donated 300 euros or more, we will send you a donation receipt, if we have your address (so please remember to put it in the form or wire transfer title).

Thank you very much for your support!

Denise Stell

Kreisau-Initiative e. V.
c/o Allianz SE
Merlitzstraße 9
12489 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 53 89 31 63 64

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